Anvilhead Ink Test

Confidence with inking is (slowly) improving! If folks can’t tell from looking at this, I’m going for a Toppi style to the textures and mid-tones. Not calling this a success, just a step in the right direction… Or at least a direction. Need to gain a little patience and self-control. Self crits are the obvious blotting and crosshatching direction changes are far too random.

Test inks for Anvilhead drawing, page 4 of graphic novel Metal Messiah.

To be honest, I have very rarely liked my own work in inks – but I’ve rarely done test runs before jumping into a project. Must slow down and get in the right frame of mind before starting… Maybe even warm up? If I’d practiced inking as much as I’ve sketched I’m sure I’d be better off by now!

-Captain Obvious

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