Ink Test

Dusted off the old inks yesterday afternoon. I won’t post the entire piece, but I’m only semi satisfied with this style. Still seems a bit too busy, unplanned:

Ink test for Metal Messiah - a cartoony face/skull screaming at the viewer with blue line work eliminated.

Not only testing out what skills I lost maintained, but also a technique I picked up somewhere of printing my own blue-lines. Saves a ton of time erasing since I can edit out out those non-photo blue lines easily in Photoshop, which also takes the pressure off seeing as I didn’t just destroy ruin ink over original pencils and can have another go without much effort:

Ink test for Metal Messiah - a cartoony face/skull screaming at the viewer with blue line work visible underneath.
Ah… progress?

Back to it – determined that his book will see light of day!


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